Metamizole Sodium Tablets
The medicin al form: 500mg/tablet
Description: A white tablet
Indications: It is used at pain of different origin (headache. neuralgia. radiculitis
myositis ) fever influenza, rheumatism and post-surgical period
Dosage: Analgin is administered orally, intramuscularly, intravenously (streamly) and
through rectum. Preparation is adm inistered orally after meal at a dose of
2-3 times a day; at rheumatism its dose may be increased to Igr. 3 times a day
Children: orally at a dose of 5-10mg/Ikg
Contraindications: Analgin administration is contraindicated at hypersensitivity to
the preparation with manifestations in the form of dermal and other reactions.
bronchospasm, hematosis disturbances
Interaction: The cyelosporine level in the blood plasma is reduced during parallel
administration of Nolotil and cyelosporine. Nolotil and alcohol have a reciprocal
effect as regards their basic effects
Pregnancy and lactation: Its administration is contraindicated during the first threc
months and the last 6 weeks of pregnancy, as well as to children with a body weight
below 5kg
Undesirable effects: At Analgin administration suppression of hematopoiesis
(granulocytopenia, agranulocytosis )is possible. Long-term treatment by analgin
should be conducted under the control of cellular structure of blood. Allergic reactions
(even anaphylactie shock)are possible.
Mech anism of action: Analgin has analgesic. antiinflammatory and antifever effect.
Shelf life: Three vears
Conditions of a storage: Protected in a cool dry place between 15-25 C, away from
Standard packaging: 10 x 100 tablets in each BOX.
for Export use only